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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 6(1); 1978 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1978;6(1): 3-.
수출검사제도(輸出檢査制度)의 현황(現況)과 간소화방안(簡素化方案)
이상용, 조남호, 김두한
건국대학교 공과대학 공업경영학과
A Study on the Quality Inspection System for the Export Articles
Sang-Yong Lee, Nam-Ho Jo, Du-Han Kim
It is worthwhile to know how the quality inspection is practised to assure the product quality for the export articles, and what problem is resulted from the current quality inspection system for the export articles. The aim of this paper is to survey the status of quality inspection system for the export articles and to design the quality inspection system for the export articles so as to not only solve the problems arising from the current system but also improve the product quality for the export articles. To find out the facts the survey is conducted by sending a prepared questionnaire both to the export industries and to the export quality inspection agencies authorized by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The export industries surveyed are selected to provide broad representation with respect to the type of industry as well as to the size of company. The survey shows that about 50 percent of the responding industries desire to discontinue the current quality inspection system for the export articles, and other 50 percent of them desire to continue it until all the export industries can make the best use of quality control techniques.
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