This academic journal is published by the The Korean Society for Quality Management. The first issue of this journal was published in 1966. This journal deals with topics related to quality. It contributes to the improvement of national quality competitiveness through academic development of quality and use of industry.
Journal Title: | Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management |
Journal Abbreviation: | J Korean Soc Qual Manag |
Acronym: | JKSQM |
Publication Date: | Vol. 1, no. 1 (1966) - |
Frequency: | Quarterly |
Publisher: | The Korean Society for Quality Management |
Language: | English/Korean |
pISSN: | 1229-1889 |
eISSN: | 2287-9005 |
DOI Prefix: | 10.7469 |
SC (SCI):: | Operations Research & Management Science |
WebOfScience | Engineering, Industrial; Operations Research &management Science |
Open Access: | OA-nc ( |
Electronic Links: |
Indexed/Tracked/ Covered By: |
Korea Citation Index (KCI)