6 시그마와 SERVQUAL을 활용한 병원서비스 혁신지표 개발 |
오가은1, 박원숙2, 한상숙3, 박상찬1, 이상철4 |
1경희대학교 의료경영학과 2강동경희대학교병원 관절.류마티스센터 3경희대학교 간호과학대학 4그리스도대학교 경영학부 |
Developing Innovation Index of Hospital Service Using 6 Sigma and SERVQUAL |
Ka-Eun Oh1, Won-Sook Bak2, Sang-Sook Han3, Sang-Chan Park1, Sang-Chul Lee4 |
1Dept. of health Services Management, School of Management, Kyung Hee University 2Arthritis and Rheumatism Center, East-West Neo-Medical Center 3College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University 4Dept. of Business Administration, Korea Christian University |
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop innovation index of hospital service integrating 6 sigma and SERVQUAL. Methods: This study used DMA(Define, Measure and Analysis) from 6 sigma and 5 Factors from SEVQUAL. To test data, chi-squire text, association analysis and behavior analysis was conducted. Results: This study indicated the management index through CTQ (Critical to Quality) and Chosen few X using 6 sigma process. Finally, And this study developed 5 Factors; Equipment Utilization in Tangibility, Ratio of Patients/Disease/Behavior/Treatment in Reliability, Survival RAte, Canselation Rate of Reservation, Churn Rate, Interval of Treatment and Confidence in Responsiveness, Frequency of Patients/Disease/Behavior/Treatment in Assurance and Contrast to Best Department/Best Doctor/Best Doctor in Faculty/Average of Mine in Empathy. Conclusion: This study developed innovation index of hospital service. Managing this index, hospital is able to achieve the decline of total treatment cycle, adjustment of patients behavior and increase of equipment utilization. Ultimately, hospital is able to accomplish innovation of healthcare service. |
Key Words:
Service Innovation;6 sigma;SERVQUAL;Hospital Service; |