정밀유도무기 품질관리를 위한 공정관리 수행모델에 관한 연구 |
김시옥, 이창우, 차성희 |
국방기술품질원 |
A Study on Process Control Modeling for Precision Guided Munitions Quality Control |
Si-Ok Kim, Chang-Woo Lee, Sung-Hee Cha |
Defense Agency for Technology and Quality(DTaQ) |
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Purpose: In this study, we propose the precision guided munitions verification methodology using the statistical analysis method has been proposed. and it can be applied to the precision guided munitions quality assurance work. Methods: This modeling is based on Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, Statistical Process Control, Defense Quality Managerment System, Production Readiness Review, Manufacturing Readiness Assesment and so on. Results: The Process Control Modeling that has the following procedures ; searching the critical to quality, statistical analysis by process, verify process. Moreover, the effectiveness of the methodology is verified by applying to the precision guided munitions. Conclusion: To achieve a analysis methods of statistical process control and verify process for precision guided munitions. |
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