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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 36(3); 2008 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2008;36(3): 66-.
자동차보험시장에서 고객만족의 영향요인에 관한 연구
청주대학교 경영학부
A Study on Influence Factors for the Customer Satisfaction in the Automobile Insurance Market
Ihn-Shik Lee
Division of Business Administration, ChongJu University
Korean insurance companies recently started to understand that the customer satisfaction can be a critical role affecting sales performance and profit. A number of authors have reported and analyzed service quality factors in the auto insurance. The purpose of this research is to examine influence factors for the customer satisfaction in the auto insurance market. This study is assumed that customer satisfaction factors are composed of prices of service and corporate image as well as service quality factors. 249 questionnaires are gathered and analyzed from persons. The main findings of the empirical study are : First, the influence from prices of service and corporate image is higher than that from service quality factors, Second, repurchase of auto insurance highly correlated to recommendation intention.
Key Words: Customer Satisfaction;Service Quality Factor;Corporate Image;Prices;
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