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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 32(4); 2004 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2004;32(4): 1-.
원자력 QA의 능력수준 평가를 위한 SE-CMM과 KEPIC QAP-1간의 비교
대우건설, 플랜트사업본부 발전PJ팀
Comparison of SE-CMM and KEPIC QAP-1 for Assessing Capability Level of Nuclear QA
Nuclear project company establishes and maintains its QA system in the conformance with applicable Codes & Standards and contract provisions. Certifying agency(e.g., Korea Electric Association) or project owner appraises the effectiveness of the company QA system by surveying or auditing it. However, although the company fulfills the requirements of this survey/audit, the capability level of its nuclear QA system is not appraised numerically and developed in that KEPIC QAP-1, used by the company as a nuclear QA guidebook, does not describe an approach for managing the capability level of the QA system. This study evaluates the characteristics of QAP-1 from the viewpoint of SE-CMM(Capability Maturity Model for Systems Engineering) in order to suggest a possible solution.
Key Words: Capability Level;SE-CMM;KEPIC QAP-1;Nuclear Project;
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