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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 28(1); 2000 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2000;28(1): 196-.
터빈/발전기 생산업체의 품질검사 관리시스템 개발
박창권1, 박주영2
1울산대학교 산업공학과
2울산과학대학 공업경영과
Development of a Quality Inspection Control System for a Torbine/Generator Production Industry
In order to intensify an enterprise competition, quality inspection controls are very important issue. An organization or division of a company hopes which to acquire the quality inspection information be updated in real-time with respect to shop floor. In this paper, we develop a quality inspection control system for a Turbine/Generator production industry. The system compromises inspection scheduling module related to shop floor control (SFC) system, formal documentation control module, and formal inspection control module. In the quality inspection control system, ORACLE RDBMS is used for the database management system and ORACLE DEVELOPER 2000 is used for system development tool. The characteristic of this system is to support so it can enhance productivity and quality through inspection plans related to production scheduling.
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