Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1998;26(1): 74-. |
브라운 운동을 따르는 열화현상을 이용한 일정스트레스 가속수명시험의 최적설계 |
서순근, 김갑석, 하천수 |
동아대학교 산업공학과 |
Optimal Design of Constant Stress Accelerated Life Tests Using Degradation Phenomenon Based on a Brownian Motion |
This study considers optimal design of accelerated life tests under constant stress using that the first passage time to cross a critical boundary through amount of accumulated degradation has an inverse Gaussian distribution when the degradation process follows to a Brownian motion with positive drift of log linear function of stress. Optimum plans for Type I censoring are derived by minimizing the asymptotic variance of estimated quantiles at the use stress. Sensitivity analyses are also conducted to see how sensitive the optimality criterion is with respect to the uncertainties involved in the guessed values. |