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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 19(2); 1991 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1991;19(2): 172-.
The Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts
The null hypothesis being tested by $the{ar{X}}$ control chart is that the process is in control at a quality level ${mu}o$. An ${ar{X}}control$ chart is a tool for detecting process average changes due to assingnable causes. The major weakness of $the{ar{X}}$ control chart is that it is relatively insensitive to small changes in the population mean. This paper presents one way to remedy this weakness is to allow each plotted value to depend not only on the most recent subgroup average but on some of the other subgroup averages as well. Two approaches for doing this are based on (1) moving averages and (2) exponentially weighted moving averages of forecasting method.
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