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Economic Screening Inspection Plan Under Linear Inspection Error
Gwang-Seop Kim, Ui-Cheol Hwang
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 1988;16(2):82
A Study on Improvement of Quality of Some Exporting Products : Regarding Utilization of Management Techniques
Won-Jung Kim, Yong-Baek Sin, Gwang-Seop Kim, Hyo-Jun Ham
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 1985;13(2):13
A Case Study on the Auto-Adjustment System of the Regression Forecasting Model Parameters
Gwang-Seop Kim, Chang-Hyeong Lee, U-Chang Hong
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 1981;9(2):2
A Study on the Development of Subcontracting System for the Machine Manufacturing Industry
Won-Jung Kim, Gwang-Seop Kim
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 1980;8(2):45
A Study on the Specification-Oriented Control Chart
Gwang-Seop Kim
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 1979;7(2):3
수입검사(受入檢査)의 경제성(經濟性)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 계수형(計數型)샘플링검사(檢査)를 중심(中心)으로 -
Gwang-Seop Kim, Gyeong-Hak Lee
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 1979;7(1):26
가치분석기법(價値分析技法)에 의한 원가절감(原價節減)의 연구(硏究)
Gwang-Seop Kim
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 1977;5(2):39
손익분파불량율 결정(決定)에 관한 고찰(考察) -KSA 3111(계수조정형(計數調整型)샘플링검사(檢査))를 중심(中心)으로-
Gwang-Seop Kim
J Korean Soc Qual Manag. 1977;5(1):20
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