계수(計數) 선별형검사(選別型檢査) 설계(設計)의 경제성(經濟性)에 관한 연구(硏究) |
김윤선1, 황의철2 |
1한양대학교대학원 산업공학과 2한양대학교산업공학과 |
A Study on the Economical Design of Sampling Plan for Rectifying Inspection by Attribute |
Yun-Seon Kim1, Ui-Cheol Hwang2 |
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This paper deals with an economical sampling plan, recently being concentrated on and, namely, investigates how to determine the basic concepts to settle the sampling plan of a minimum cost. On an inspection of sampling, a Linear Cost Model of a cost function which is concerned with the representative cost dements, is established and by the investigation of its possible solution economical single sampling plan for recitying inspection by attribute is suggested. |