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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 42(4); 2014 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2014;42(4): 729-.
품질경영 활동이 기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향 : 국가품질상 수상 제조기업을 중심으로
한상훈1, 정규석2, 홍승표3
Effect of Quality Management on the Performance: Focusing Manufacturing Companies Awarding Korean National Quality Awards
Sang-Hoon Han1, Kyu-Suk Chung2, Seung-Pyo Hong3
1Korea Quality Management Consulting Inc.
2Kangwon Nation University
3Seoul Management Inc.
This paper study the effect of the quality management on the performance among the manufacturing companies awarding the Korean National Quality Award(NQA).
The data for 34 manufacturing companies are surveyed by the 7-point Likert scale and empirically tested.
Even among the companies awarding NQA for their excellent quality management level there are significant differences in their performance by their quality management levels. In particular, leadership and human resources categories have greater impacts on the performance.
Even though the company awarded NQA(KQMA: Korean Quality Management Award) for its excellent quality management level, it is necessary to improve the quality management level continuously. This result supports the necessity of KQGA(Korean Quality Grand Award) which is awarded for the companies which improve quality management levels significantly after awarding KQMA.
Key Words: National Quality Award(NQA);Malcolm Baldrige;TQM;
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