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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 42(3); 2014 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2014;42(3): 279-.
QFD 및 Stage-gate 모델을 활용한 국방분야 개발단계 품질관리 방안 연구
A Study on the development quality control by application of QFD and Stage-gate in defense system
Bong Ki Jang
DTaQ(Defense agency for Technology and Quality)
The purpose of this study is to propose adoption of QFD and Stage-gate in order to analyze the quality of korea defense system.
Drawing change data of initial production phase in korea defense system were anlayzed and a practical method was proposed.
The results of this study are as follows; Off line Quality Control should be introduced in development phase. Specially, in case of defense system, the best method is QFD(Quality Function Deployment) and Stage-gate process. At first, QFD 1 step defines product planning from VOC(Voice Of Customer), QFD 2 step specifies part planning from product planning, QFD 3 step defines process planning from part planning, QFD 4 step defines production planning from previous process planning. Secondly, Stage-gate process is adopted. This study is proposed 5 stage-gate in case of korea defense development. Gate 1 is located after SFR(System Function Review), Gate 2 is located after PDR(Preliminary Design Review), Gate 3 is located after CDR(Critical Design Review), Gate 4 is located after TRR(Test Readiness Review) and Gate 5 is located before specification documentation submission.
Off line QC(Quality Control) in development phase is necessary prior to on line QC(Quality Control) in p roduction phase. For the purpose of off line quality control, QFD(Quality Function Deployment) and Stage-gate process can be adopted.
Key Words: QFD(Quality Function Deployment);Stage-Gate;Baseline;
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