홈페이지 서비스 품질 개선에 관한 연구 |
박준현, 전민수, 곽춘종 |
부산대학교 경영대학 |
A Study on Quality Improvement of Website Services |
Jun Hyun Park, Min Soo Jun, Choonjong Kwak |
School of Business, Pusan National University |
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Purpose: This research aims at quality improvement of website services on the internet. Methods: SERVQUAL is redefined for web environments as sixteen statements in five dimensions to identify user requirements for websites and measure their importance ratings. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is used to integrate user requirements into service development for websites so that management and design guidelines can be obtained for user-oriented websites. Fuzzy set theory is introduced to resolve the ambiguity and subjectivity of user requirements in the House of Quality (HOQ). Results: The priorities of design characteristics are extracted from the Fuzzy QFD for University websites. Conclusion: It is expected to provide quality services in less time with less effort, if the results of the Fuzzy QFD are used to provide services in a strategic way under limited resources. |
Key Words:
Web Sites;Service Quality;SERVQUAL;Fuzzy Set Theory;QFD; |