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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 40(4); 2012 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2012;40(4): 543-.
doi: https://doi.org/10.7469/JKSQM.2012.40.4.543
인천항의 서비스품질이 고객만족과 경영성과에 미치는 영향
김수만1, 최해섭2, 김연성3, 유홍성4, 유석천5, 김서영3
3인하대학교 경영학부
4인하대학교 산학협력단
5동국대학교 경영학부
A Study on the Effects of the Port Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Performance in Incheon Port
SooMan Kim1, HaeSup Choi2, Youn Sung Kim3, Hong Sung Yoo4, Seuck-Cheun Yoo5, Seo-Young Kim3
1Korea Express
2Incheon Port Authority
3College of Business Administration, Inha University
4Inha University Partnership Institute
5College of Business Administration, Dongguk University
The purpose of this study was to propose useful suggestions by analyzing causal effect relationship between port service quality, and customer satisfaction and performance in port industry.
The collected data through the survey were analyzed using multi-regression analysis. The measurement tools used for this study were divided into three dimensions such as internal quality, interaction quality and environmental quality.
The results of this study are as follows; regarding the influence of pot service quality dimension on customer satisfaction, it was found that the effects of interaction quality and internal quality were significant and those of environmental quality was not significant on customer satisfaction. It was found that customer satisfaction made statistically significant influence on performance from the investigation of the causal effect relationship between customer satisfaction and performance.
Incheon Port needs to act actively paying attention to port facilities, efficient operation, network, cargo recruitment activities, smooth communication and fast handling.
Key Words: Port Service Quality;Customer Satisfaction;Performance;
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