군수지원 분야 서비스품질 평가 및 재방문의도에 관한 연구 |
우광호1, 심상렬2 |
1광운대학교 방위사업학과 2광운대학교 동북아대학 동북아통상학부 |
A Study on the Evaluation of the Service Quality and Revisit Intention in the Defense Logistics Support |
Kwang-Ho Woo1, Sang-Ryul Shim2 |
1Defense Acquisition Program Major, KwangWoon University 2College of Northeast Asia KwangWoon University |
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The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of improving service quality in the defense logistics support. For this, this study compares and analyzes the perceived service quality between customer(using unit) and defense logistics support unit by using SERVPERF model. Supply, military meals, and maintenance are carrying out the mission as core function of defense logistics support and also encounter with customer. In this empirical analysis, the service quality is composed of four factors, and there are significant difference in perception level of service quality between them. Also, the relationship between factors of service quality and revisit intention shows significant difference statistically, and the customer orientation and responsiveness are key affecting factors on revisit intention. |
Key Words:
Defense Logistics Support;Service Quality;SERVPERF;Revisit Intention;Support unit; |