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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 39(4); 2011 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2011;39(4): 464-.
모기업과 협력기업의 공급망 품질경영 인프라(Infra), 프로세스(Process), 성과(Performance)간 인과관계 연구
박지영, 오수정, 김수욱
서울대학교 경영학과
Causal Relationship of Infra, Process and Firm Performance on Supply Chain Quality Management
Ji-Young Park, Soo-Jung Oh, Soo-Wook Kim
College of Business Administration, Seoul National University
The purpose of this study is that analyzing the causal relationship between Infra, Process and Performance of companies which are executing the Supply Chain Quality Management(SCQM) with their subcontractors and partners. Korean Standards Association(KSA) provides the Supply Chain Quality Management Model and Quality Collaboration Index for 4 years, but a few study has investigated the critical variables and their causal relationship to organizational performance. Therefore we examine the SCQM model and related index and choose the quality, human resource and risk management processes for identifying the path to organizational performance. In addition, exploratory factor analysis is conducted for figuring out the major factors among the 3 processes. Structural Equation Model are successively used for determining which characteristics of the infra and processes are the most critical variables to performance. The data was collected from KSA and composed of 52 companies and 346 their partners. The result shows that risk management process has no significant effect on the organizational performance and pre-production process collaboration.
Key Words: Causal Relationship;Supply Chain Quality Management;Structural Equation Model;Infra;Process;Performance;
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