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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 39(2); 2011 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2011;39(2): 337-.
한국형 모델 개발을 위한 국가품질상 국제 비교 연구
김태규1, 김연성2
1한남대학교 비즈니스통계학과
2인하대학교 경영대학 경영학부
A Comparison of Quality Awards Program in the Major G-20 for Developing a Korean National Quality Award Model
Tai-Kyoo Kim1, Youn-Sung Kim2
1Department of Business Statistics, Hannam University
2College of Business Administration, Inha University
To implement total quality management(TQM), firms and institutions have strategically used quality awards models. In this paper we analyzed the national quality awards of G-20 members such as United States, Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia and Korea. There are three main points to analysis; First, "which type of model is good for Korea?", even though Korea already has adopted MBNQA model. Second, "Are the core values really different from each models?". And third, "Is there any difference in the criteria structure and value points system?" This study aims to design a National Quality Award which is good for the Korean companies and organizations. After analyzing the current quality awards models, we propose some suggestion about core value setting Korean-specific criteria development and value points system change.
Key Words: MBNQA;EFQM;JQA;G-20;Quality Model;TQM;
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