중소기업 TPM 성과에 영향을 주는 요인에 대한 실증적 연구 |
최무호, 이상복 |
서경대학교 대학원 경영학과 6시그마 |
An Empirical Study of influence Factor to TPM Performance in medium and small enterprises |
Moo-Ho Choi, Sang-Bok Ree |
6 Sigma Major Dept. Business Administration, Graduate School, Seokyeong University |
In this Paper, We analyzed influence Factor to TPM Performance in medium and small enterprises by empirically. By Literature survey, We hypothesize education training and 5S influence to individual improvement, independence maintenance, planning and foresight, which also influence to flexibility, total equipment performance, quality, which finally influence to lower cost, delivery date. To analyze empirically, we survey questionnaire in medium and small enterprises being below 300 people. From statistical analysis, 7 hypotheses are rejected, which is different existing research. This is analyzed that reflect actuality that medium and small enterprises is different from large enterprises. We expect that result of this treatise does concentration effort in important factor to get TPM performance in medium and small enterprises. |
Key Words:
TPM;Small Medium enterprise;influence factor;Empirical Analysis; |