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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 36(4); 2008 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2008;36(4): 7-.
품질경영을 도입한 박물관 마케팅 활성화에 관한 실증 연구
서명애, 이상복
서경대학교 산업공학과
An Empirical Study of Museum Marketing Activation which are Introduced Quality Management
Myung-Ae Suh, Sang-Bok Ree
Seokyeong University, Dept. of Industrial Engineering
Modern Museum has duplication which are non-profitability for public service and profitability for good service to visitors. Museum must have revenue source in order to provide a good service. It is necessary Museum do marketing for benefit Enterprise. In this Paper, we study empirical of Museum Marketing Activation which are introduced Quality Management. We prove four hypothesis which are (1)As professional manpower operation is high, Museum Performance result may rise, (2)Operation conformation is no impact in Museum management result, (3)If quality management operation are introduced, Museum Performance result may rise, (4)As there is much contents of Museum, Museum Performance result may rise.
Key Words: Museum Marketing;Quality Management introduction;Empirical Study;
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