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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 36(3); 2008 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2008;36(3): 22-.
국내 품질개선 소집단 활동과 품질개선기법에 대한 실증적 연구
김창준1, 문영길1, 서순근2
1강원관광대학 관광품질경영과
2동아대학교 산업경영공학과
An Empirical Study on Domestic Small Group Activities of Quality Improvement And Quality Improvement Tools
Chang-Jun Kim1, Young-Gil Moon1, Sun-Keun Seo2
1Dept. of Tourism Quality management, Kangwon Tourism College
2Dept. of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Dong-A University
In this paper, first of all, the driving performance of QCCs(Quality Control Circles) that are stagnant during 10 years are reviewed. And the usage realities and utilization degree of quality improvement tools in the domestic activities of QCCs are empirically analyzed into size of company and type of business. Thus, this empirical study compares the results of past period in 1997${sim}$1999 with the results of 6 sigma non-adapting period in 2000${sim}$2003 through examining the collections of presentation for Korea Quality Control Circle Meetings. Also, according to the introduction of 6 sigma in QCCs activities the difference of utilization degree for quality improvement tools are analyzed to compare the results of 6 sigma non-adapting period in 2000${sim}$2003 with the results of 6 sigma adapting period in 2004${sim}$2006. Finally, the utilization degree of 6 sigma tools which follow the driving steps of 6 sigma, DMAIC, are analyzed.
Key Words: Quality Control Circle;6 Sigma;Quality Improvement Tools;6 Sigma Tools;
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