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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 36(1); 2008 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2008;36(1): 62-.
BFSS 로드맵의 개발
하상원1, 권혁무2, 홍성훈3, 김종만4, 이민구5
2부경대학교 시스템경영공학과
3전북대학교 산업정보시스템공학과
4명지대학교 산업경영공학과
5충남대학교 정보통계학과
Development of a BFSS Road-map
Sang-Won Ha1, Hyuck-Moo Kwon2, Sung-Hoon Hong3, Chong-Man Kim4, Min-Koo Lee5
1Product Planning Group, Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd.
2Department of Systems and Management Engineering, Pukyong National University
3Department of Industrial & Information Systems Engineering, Research Center of Industrial Technology, Chonbuk National University
4Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Myongji University
5Department of Informational and Statistics, Chungnam National University
Since the Six Sigma strategy was first introduced to Motorola in 1987, it has been taken as an important business strategy to strengthen the competitiveness of leading companies in the global competitive environment. To keep growing and thriving, modern companies need to develop new businesses and find new applications while keeping existing ones on track. This situation necessitates a more effective way of discovering an optimal scenario in a business. In this paper, we propose a Business for Six Sigma (BFSS) road-map to create new businesses. BFSS consists of five macro phases: define, identify, analyze, evaluate, and implement. We also provide an example of F electronics, a Korean electronics component manufacturer, which actually applied the BFSS road-map to analyze marketability, technological plausibility and economic potential/success in connection with its new product development.
Key Words: BFSS;Six Sigma;New Business;DFSS;DIAEI;Road-map;
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