Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2006;34(2): 22-. |
한국 국가품질상(KNQA)의 효과성 측정을 위한 측정도구 개발 |
문재영1, 이상철2, 서영호1 |
1경희대학교 경영대학 2그리스도대학교 경영정보학부 |
Developing Instruments for Measuring the Effectiveness of the Korean National Quality Award |
Jae-Young Moon1, Sang-Chul Lee2, Yung-Ho Suh1 |
1Dept. of Business Administration, Kyunghee University 2Dept. of Management Information Management, Korea Christian University |
The purpose of this research is to develop the methodology for measuring the effectiveness of the Korean National Quality Award. To test the validity of the model, confirmatory factor analysis is used. Conclusively, 79 questions in 15 sub-categories from 7 categories are developed valid in the empirical research. Seven categories are Leadership, Strategic Planning, Human-Resource Focus, Process Management, Customer & Market Focus, Information & Analysis and Results. |
Key Words:
Korean National Quality Award;Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award;Total Quality Management; |