Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2005;33(3): 71-. |
카노모델을 활용한 고속철도 고객의 분류와 고객군별 고객만족 및 전환장벽에 관한 연구 : 항공기 및 고속버스 고객과의 비교 |
유한주1, 송광석2 |
1숭실대학교 경영학부 2숭실대학교 대학원 경영학과 |
A Study on the Classification of KTX Customers by the Kano Model and Customer Satisfaction and Switching Barriers : Comparing with the Airline and Express Bus Customers |
Han-Joo Yoo1, Gwang-Suk Song2 |
1Division of Business Administration, Soongsil University 2Graduate School of Business Administration, Soongsil University |
New high-speed rail service, the Korea Train Express(KTX), has been beginning service in Korea. We measured the service quality of the Korea Train Express and comparatively analyzed the service quality of domestic flight and express buses which are means of long distance transportation. Furthermore, by using the Kano model, the perception level of the service of customers is not only segmented in groups but also switching barriers are derived. As a result, the customers by group have a difference in the level of their perception. While in both high-speed bullet train service and flights dimensions significantly affect the customer satisfaction and retention excluding a responsiveness dimension, in the Train Express four dimensions(Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Tangibles) with the exception of Empathy which significantly affect the customer satisfaction and retention. |
Key Words:
Service Quality;SERVQUAL;SERVPERF;Kano Model;Switching Barriers; |