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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 31(2); 2003 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2003;31(2): 98-.
e-supply chain management system 구축 전략의 실행방안에 관한 연구 : 제조업을 중심으로
세명대학교 경상학부
A Study on the Strategic Implementation of e-Supply Chain Management System in the Manufacturing Industry
The objective in this paper is to develope the e-Supply Chain Management System and applied for the Manufacturing. A Manufacturing that is consider to be world class recognize that its ability to complete in the marketplace depends on developing e-SCM System that is properly align with its mission of serving the customer. This paper investigated the relationship between e-SCM and performance in manufacturing. A stratified random sample was collected from the Federation of Korea Industries. Conclusively, e-SCM is important factor between source factors (environmental dynamic, Leadership) and manufacturing performance. e-SCM is significantly related to Quality, Flexibility, Delivery, and Cost.
Key Words: e-SCM;Structural Equation Modeling;CRM;
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