Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2001;29(2): 54-. |
품질경영체제에서 온라인쇼핑몰의 활성화에 관한 연구 |
김형욱1, 정인진2 |
1홍익대학교 경영학부 2서남대학교 경영학과 |
A Study on Vitalization of the Activities of Online Shopping Mall in Quality Management System |
The tremendous growth of the Internet, particularly World Wide Web, has resulted in significant changes in commerce environments. Internet has brought significant changes in the economics of marketing channels and has led to a redefinition of industry value chain. Electronic Commerce(EC) has become so important that countries and firms unprepared for this new trend would lose competitive advantages in the coming century of Digital Economy. Despite its importance, current EC markets in Korea are immature and there still exist several barriers to EC development thus excluding business to consumer EC markets. As interest in quality management and its effect on competitive performance has grown, there has been a corresponding proliferation of research. However, the majority of the research on quality management has not evolved in a comprehensive and rigorous fashion, particularly with regard to reliability and validity issues. The purpose of this paper investigates on Vitalization of the Activities of on-line shopping mall under of TQM system in Korea. That would make it possible to remove elements of insecurity and doubt currently felt by many users of on-line shopping mall(internet detail or cyber mall) business. In addition, we tried to find out what factors discourage consumers from using electronic purchasing methods, as well as how perceived quality factors and customer satisfaction when consumers are exposed to the purchase process on the on-line shopping mall business. |