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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 28(2); 2000 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 2000;28(2): 252-.
品質經營體制의 有效性 評價를 위한 效率的인 品質監査의 遂行方案
남지희, 김관현, 조문성, 임남진
Quality Audit for Measuring the Effectiveness of Quality Management Systems
Ji-Hee Nam, Kwan-Hyun Kim, Moon-Sung Cho, Nam-Jin Lim
Korea Atomic Energy Reserach Institute
The purport of quality assurance audit and its procedures as specified in ISO 9000 have been reviewed. The principles and techniques for interview, documentation of the results and quality trend analysis were discussed. The practical techniques for the performance of quality audit for measuring the effectiveness of quality management systems were suggested.
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