Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1999;27(3): 17-. |
시스템적인 접근에 의한 품질경영모형수립과 공공부문의 적용에 관한 연구 |
강병서1, 김계수2 |
1경희대학교 경영학부 2세명대학교 경상학부 경영학과 |
A Study on the Development of Quality Management System Model and its Application in the Public Service Sector |
A strategic model on quality management system was developed and applied for the public service sector. The public service sector includes a wide range of organizations such as local authorities responsible for education, social services and housing, government departments, military forces, and public enterprises like post office and Korean Railroad. Quality management requires strategic integration of management system for achieving customer satisfaction. Questionnaire was developed, and data was collected and analyzed for this study. Conclusively, leadership and organization culture are the important drivers among the quality management activities. Human resource development and process management are significantly related to employee satisfaction, which also significantly influences on customer satisfaction in the public sector. |