Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1998;26(1): 61-. |
rpm 변화를 고려한 최적의 공정 평균과 상한 규격의 결정 |
송우복, 안광일, 김성집 |
한양대학교 산업공학과 |
Determination of the Optimal Process Mean and Upper Limit with considering the rpm(rate per minute) |
The quality control literature contains a substantial number of articles concerned with how to optimally choose control limits in order to minimize production cost. The purpose of the this study is to determine the economic setting for the process mean of an industrial process. In this study it is assumed that the lower control limit is set by government regulations and the u, pp.r limit and process mean are chosen based on economic considerations. Much research has been conducted on this problem under the condition of the fixed rpm(rate per minute). However a variance can be increased in proportion to the level of rpm and the increase of the variance can change the optimal process mean. Therefore, it is desirable to determine both the process mean and the level of rpm simultaneously. In this paper, a mathematical model is presented which considers the u, pp.r limit and the rpm as variables. |