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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 25(4); 1997 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1997;25(4): 115-.
Software Quality Metrics를 이용한 공학용 전산 프로그램의 품질특성 측정
조문성, 남지희
Quality Evaluation of Engineering Computer Programs Using Software Quality Metrics
SQM (Software Quality Metrics) is a methodology whose primary objective is the measurement of compliances to requirements using a set of software life cycle properties called quality factors, which is based on the hierachical relationshiips between factors, criteria and elements. For this study, two factors (Correctness, Maintainability) and five criteria were selected. In addition, several tens of quality elements were developed to su, pp.rt them. Qualities of three computer programs which are being used for engineering purpose were measured. As a result, it is concluded that SQM is a valuable method for continuously monitoring the pulse of software quality development and that it can be used as a tool for software quality assurance.
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