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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 24(2); 1996 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1996;24(2): 25-.
대수정규분포와 간헐적 검사하에서 가속수명시험방식의 설계
서순근1, 조호성2
1동아대학교 공과대학 산업공학과
2대유공업전문대학 공업경영학과
Design of Accelerated Life Test Plans for the Lognormal Failure Distribution under Intermittent Inspection
Sun-Keun Seo1, Ho-Sung Cho2
1Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Dong-Ah University
2Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Dae Yeu Technical Junior College
This paper presents the optimal and practical constant-stress accelerated life test plans for the lognormal lifetime distribution tinder assumptions of intermittent inspection and Type-I censoring. In an optimal plan, the low stress level and the proportions of test units allocated at each stress are determined under given inspection scheme and number of inspections such that the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimator of a certain quantile at use condition is minimized. Although the practical plan adopts the same design criterion, it involves three rather than two overstress levels in order to compromise the practical deficiencies of the optimal plan. Computational experiments are conducted to choose an allocation plan and a inspection scheme of the practical plan and to compare with test plans over a range of parameter values.
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