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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 23(4); 1995 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1995;23(4): 157-.
공정능력지수에 대한 붓스트랩과 모의실험연구
김평구1, 조중재2
1충청전문대학 품질관리과
2충북대학교 자연대학 통계학과
Bootstrapping Some Process Capability Indices
Peyong-Koo Kim1, Joong-Jae Cho2
1Dept. of Quality Control, Chung Cheong Junior College
2Dept. of Statistics, Chung Buk National University
Process capability indices are used to determine whether a production process is capable of producing items within a specified tolerance. We could estimate the finite sample distributions of some process capability indices with bootstrap method. In this paper, we derive the asymptotic bootstrap distributions of some process capability indices ${hat{C}}^*_p$, ${hat{C}}^*_{pk}$ and ${hat{C}}^*_{pm}$ under general proper conditions. These asymptotic distributiops would be used in constructing some bootstrap confidence intervals. Also, we examine some small sample properties related to these estimators by some simulations.
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