Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1995;23(3): 33-. |
전자부품의 품질향상을 위한 인라인 자동검사시스템 |
정원1, 정연구2 |
1대구대학교 산업공학과 2KIST 시스템공학연구소 |
In-Line Automated Inspection System for Quality Improvement of Electronic Parts |
Won Jung1, Yun Koo Chung2 |
1Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Taegu University 2Systems Engineering Research Institute, KIST |
This paper presents an automated visual inspection system for the electronic parts manufacturing process. In this system, a statistical process control (SPC) method is integrated into the automated inspection method on a real time base. It shows how the collected data can be analyzed with the SPC to provide process information. Also presented are studies of subpixel image processing technology to improve the accuracy of parts measurements, and the cumulative-sum (CUSUM) control chart for fraction defectives. An application of the developed system to connector manufacturing process as a part of computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) is presented. |