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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 23(1); 1995 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1995;23(1): 15-.
절단된 자료가 있는 병렬형 시스템의 단계적 충격수명검사
박희창1, 이석훈2
1창원대학교 통계학과
2충남대학교 통계학과
The Step Stress Life Testing for the Parallel System with Censored Data
Hee-Chang Park1, Suk-Hoon Lee2
1Dept. of Statistics, Changwon National University
2Dept. of Statistics, Chungnam National University
We consider a step-stress life testing which is devised for a two-component parallel system with considerably long life time. To describe such a system, we use an exponential distribution as the survival function. The lift distribution is assumed between the log mean life time and the stress with the cumulative exposure model. The criterion for optimality is to minimize the sum of the variances of the maximum likelihood estimators of the mean life times of each part under the normal stress.
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