Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1993;21(2): 215-. |
비교판단에 의한 관능검사원의 선호도 평가 |
김정만1, 이상도2 |
1경북산업대학교 산업공학과 2동아대학교 산업공학과 |
An Evaluation of Preferences for Sensory Inspectors by Comparative Judgement |
Jeong-Man Kim1, Sang-Do Lee2 |
1 2 |
A paired comparison which is a method of comparative judgements is widely used to increase the amount of information transmitted to human sense organ. In this study, a paired comparison method is proposed for the discrimination capacity and preference analysis of non-skilled sensory inspectors. We consider on order effect, that is, difference of evaluation occurred as a result of sample presentation by random order. The purpose of this paper is to determine a sample with the highest preference degrees by analyzing a discrimination capacity and evaluating preference degrees of sensory inspectors. An analysis of a discrimination capacity is bared on the capacity index obtained by an eigen-vector method and an evaluation of preference degrees is performed by a significance test. |