가치공학(價値工學)에서의 기능평가(機能評價) 전산화(電算化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) |
이석환1, 박노국2, 송문익3 |
1상지전문대학 전산과 2상지대학교 산업공학과 3인하대학교 산업공학과 |
A Study on the Computerization of Function Evaluation in VE |
Seok-Hwan Lee1, No-Guk Park2, Mun-Ik Song3 |
1 2 3 |
The function-cost matrix table is not constant, but can be changed by many factors including equipment capacity, level of production technique, fluctuation of production volume, and the continuous development of products. Such changes would give the VE analysists additional work burden. By using computer. in this study, much of the time and effort of the function evaluation could be saved, and the efficiency of the analysis could also be enhanced. The application of the function evaluation data of R Company, as a case analysis, to the function evaluation computer program developed in this study resulted in the faster management of function-cost matrix table and function evaluation. |