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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 20(2); 1992 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1992;20(2): 129-.
FMS에서의 작업부하균형을 고려한 기계부하결정
윤영수, 이상용
건국대학교 산업공학과
Machine Loading by Workload Balancing in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Yeong-Su Yun, Sang-Yong Lee
This paper aims to develope an algorithm to minimize the total production time, sum of group formation times and processing times, under the balanced workload among the machines by grouping parts with machine loading in FMS. The algorithm of this study is composed of four step procedures ; (1) Parts grouping by Group Technology(GT) (2) Minimizing total processing time in loading problem (3) Machine workload balancing, including above(2) (4) Group formation time, including above(3) For parts grouping, Rank Order Clustering(ROC) algorithm developed by King(1980) is used and this algorithm is programmed by using the MACRO functions of QUATTRO Pro, one of the spreadsheet packages. The structure for loading model is solved by using the Hyper-LINDO. As a case study, numerical examples are demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the proposed machine loading procedure.
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