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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 18(1); 1990 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1990;18(1): 1-.
공정불량률(工程不良率)을 고려(考慮)한 자재납입량(資材納入量)의 결정(決定)
이회식1, 황의철2
1경기대학교 산업공학과
2한양대학교 산업공학과
A Study on a Procedure to Determine the Economic Incoming Quantity of Materials in Consideration of the Process Fraction Defectives
Hoe-Sik Lee1, Ui-Cheol Hwang2
In this paper we present a procedure to determine the quantity of incoming materials when the nonconforming materials appear in the production process. We determined the total loss of materials $D_2$ due to fraction defectives in process and added this $D_2$ to the quantity of incoming materials $Q_0$ considered ingoing-outgoing quality level. The quantity of materials $Q_1$ as a result of this procedure should be an economic purchasing quantity and is a rectifying quantity of the EOQ determined in classical inventory model.
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