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Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management > Volume 17(1); 1989 > Article
Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management 1989;17(1): 1-.
부품특성(部品特性)을 고려한 다부품장비(多部品裝備)의 정비모형(整備模型)
정영배1, 황의철2
1인천대학교 산업공학과
2한양대학교 산업공학과
Maintenance Model of Multi-Component System Considering Characteristics of Components
Yeong-Bae Jeong1, Ui-Cheol Hwang2
In general, the characteristics of components which consist of multi-component system can not be the same. This paper proposes a maintenance model of multi-component system considering the characteristics of each component. In this paper, multi-component system is divided into three components-critical unit, major unit and minor unit, respectively. This paper determines the optimal replacement time of the system which minimizes total maintenance cost, optimal replacement period of major unit and initial stock quantity of minor unit within this optimal replacement time. Numerical examples are shown when the failure times of each unit have gamma distribution.
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